Friday, 20 May 2011

Columbia Road Flower Market

Columbia Road Flower Market. Great place to meet girlfriends on a Sunday morning. Fabulously simple brunch choices, lovely vintage trinkets and you leave with a fresh bouquet for the week! The trick is to merely find it from Old Street Station.  
S.Jones - delicious cheeses

Thursday, 19 May 2011

My tempestous love affair with London pt. 2

...what I love about London continued.....

9. Parks on sunny days! I'm lucky to live in a city that has over 10,000 acres of park space, and even luckier to work right next to Hyde Park. It is convenient for a quick mid day getaway from the office or wine tasting with friends on the weekends.Yes, this is England! Consumption of wine in public places is compulsory! 

10. Working in the UK (i.e. more vacation time than I know what to do with!) I admit, I am now well accustomed to the plethora of vacation time I receive as an employee in the UK. No probationary periods, and no such thing as a "sick time" allowance. The days are all mine!

La Plage de Calvi by Roger Broders France
11. Cursing! It's everywhere and the British have turned it into an artform. On the telly, on the tube, in the workplace, and even heard out of the mouths of babes. If my mother wasn't reading this, I'd share some of my favorites.